We're recruiting! We are seeking to recruit new talent in 2020 - see our "About Us" page for more details... Blog +
3D for Domestic Structural Design for domestic projects has for decades been undertaken using simple tools for analysis... Blog +
Intrinsic Engineering? Technology is undoubtedly part of our everyday life, but should we be content merely to be passengers on this ride into the future... Blog +
Factor of Safety? The term "factor of safety" is widely misunderstood and often misused - so that is why structural engineers do not use it... Blog +
The Lime Fuss There’s a lot written on the web and elsewhere about the magical powers of lime, but there still seems to be a lot of confusion... Blog +
Knock-Through? A 'knock-through' is the term for removing an internal wall in a building to connect two room spaces or create an open-plan area.... Blog +